pipe fabbing
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pipe fabbing
I'm sure there's a few different ways to go about this all. I just use poster paper to make the templates I will use to cut out the sheet metal. I use .7mm thick non-galvanized sheet metal because it is strong enough and can sometimes be bent just with your hands. And I "roll" the sections by using a rubber mallet to hit them just off-center to where they rest on a steel pipe. Welding is by acetylene torch at a local welding shop. So far all of my designs have only had to have a bend in the belly section. I am looking to buy a KDX200 and I think a newly designed pipe for it will have a baffle section that will need to be curved. So that will be a new challenge. An internet friend just taught me how to use pressurized water to "blow up" two metal sections (welded at their seams) to make a pipe that is much more pleasing to the eye and without the many welds, any of which can eventually crack. I am hoping to be able in the near future to make a pipe using that method.
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